All About Arm Lift Surgery: Benefits, Recovery and More

Our bodies are truly remarkable. They enable us to run, walk, eat, laugh, and experience all kinds of exciting and enjoyable things. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things we might want to change or enhance on our bodies from time to time. In many cases, plastic surgery can make life a little easier and even boost confidence. 

If, for instance, you’re considering arm lift surgery, you might find that it will be a beneficial surgery for the sake and appearance of your upper arms—but are there other benefits? And how long does recovery take? We’ll go over everything you need to know about arm lift surgery and its benefits in this post. 

What Are the Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery, or Brachioplasty, is a very popular surgical procedure that can transform your arms by removing unwanted fullness in the upper arms caused by excess subcutaneous fat, sagging and redundant skin, or the combined effects of both. These excesses can be due to either genetic influences, the aging process, or be created as the undesirable ‘side effects’ of dramatic weight losses.   

Ideally, excessive fullness in the upper arm can be reduced via the use of Liposuction alone. A modest number of very small (¼ inch) incisions are used to liposuction the entire circumference of the arm. Excess subcutaneous fat is removed and the upper arm is adjusted proportionally to the size of each patient.

If too much excess skin is present, it will be necessary to directly excise both skin and fat from the inner surface of the upper arm. In some instances, this will leave a short scar that can be well hidden inside the upper arm. In cases where the skin excess is significant, however, it may be necessary to extend the scar down to the level of the elbow.  

All arm lift surgeries are performed under general anesthesia in the privacy of our own Surgery Center. The surgery itself is generally two hours long. No drains are used, and all sutures are absorbable for this procedure.

Patients can expect to return to light activity within several days, including driving.  Those with “desk” jobs can return to work within 5 to 7 days.  Those with physically demanding jobs (manufacturing, retail, nursing, etc.) should be able to return to work within 10 to 14 day

This procedure can have very successful results—taking saggy arms and leaving them more toned and proportional to the rest of the body.

Other benefits of arm lift surgery include: 

  • Improving Elasticity: You can put a lot of work into your arms on your own, but one thing you can’t do is restore the elasticity your arm skin has lost.

  • Regaining Proportion: If your weight has fluctuated through the years, your arms may be out of proportion with the rest of your body type.  

  • Expanding Wardrobe Options: We tend to focus on our chest or gut when we choose a top, but the skin around our arms can make a big difference as well. Some patients go down a shirt size after their Brachioplasty.

  • Seeing Workout Results: Buried under skin and fat, you may have been lifting and doing arm exercises without seeing any results. Your surgery can bring your hard work closer to the surface.

  • Restoring Confidence: To be human is often to be self-conscious. While we think you’re beautiful just the way you are, you need to think so, too. If your arms bother you, arm lift surgery can help restore some of that missing confidence. 

  • Preventing Inflammation: Skin folds can lead to inflammation and rashes that make you miserable. Eliminating the folds allows for more comfort.

  • Improving Hygiene: One of the most common causes of body odor comes down to skin folds that are difficult to clean and become breeding grounds for bacteria. Even if you take care to clean these areas well, the lack of ventilation means they start to sweat (and smell) soon.

Arm Lift Surgery FAQs

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder arm lift surgeries are so popular. We’ll go over some questions potential patients frequently ask.

Am I a Good Fit for Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery is often a good option to consider for patients who’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight and are left with hanging skin. While exercise can and will improve the appearance of your arms, it won’t do anything to get rid of excess skin.

As with any type of medical procedure, there are some qualifications you as the patient must meet before you can move forward with treatment. For a Brachioplasty, you’ll need to meet set requirements as well as have certain habits in place that you’ll continue to pursue and do after the surgery. 

You’ll see the greatest benefits from arm lift surgery if you meet the criteria listed below:

  • Experienced Weight Loss: If you’ve lost weight but still have baggy underarms, you might find that this is a surgery for you.

  • Aging: If you’re an adult with significant upper arm laxity due to aging, arm lift surgery could be the solution you’ve been searching for. 

  • Believe in Health and Wellness: Being committed to a healthy lifestyle and diet will put you in a good position for reaping all the rewards a surgery like this can provide. 

  • Avoid Unhealthy Habits: Smoking and chewing tobacco will put you at a disadvantage when it comes to surgery like this—you need to be healthy before you’ll be considered. 

  • Not At-Risk: If you are healthy and have no pre-existing, serious conditions, you’ll be quickly considered for this type of procedure. 

  • Have A Stable Weight: Your weight will need to be relatively stable, and you’ll need to not be significantly overweight to qualify for this surgery. 

How Long Does Arm Lift Surgery Recovery Take?

With any operation, a lot of variables influence how long recovery takes, and arm lift surgery is no different. That being said, this timetable applies to most patients:

  • 1-3 Day Post Surgery: Directly after the procedure, patients can expect light to moderate pain levels. You’ll be prescribed medication for pain and inflammation. Your arm will be bandaged and wrapped in gauze or a similar material. There will likely be swelling in the hands and minimal range of motion in your arms. Patients should not wear any type of jewelry on the hand or arm during this time. Arms will need to be elevated over the heart while sleeping.

  • 1 Week Post Surgery: Pain medication will likely not be needed at this point, though there will still be some arm swelling. 

  • 10 Days Post Surgery: Your stitches, bandages, and drainage tubes will be removed around this time. You should avoid lifting anything heavy, but your range of motion will start to gradually return. 

  • 2 Weeks Post Surgery: At this phase, you can begin scar treatment therapy based on the plan decided upon earlier. 

  • 4-6 Weeks Post Surgery: This phase should see any swelling or bruising disappear completely, and most patients can return to regular activities, including exercise and heavy lifting.

  • 6 Months Post Surgery: Your scar treatment should have been working effectively up until this point. Your scar will continue to heal for months to come. 

Can I Exercise and Remain Active after Arm Lift Surgery?

Following the first week of recovery, you should be able to do light exercises such as walking outside or on the treadmill. About one month after the surgery, doctors can usually approve normal activities for most patients, but it’s wise to be careful and cautious, and listen to your body. You don’t want to strain or push yourself too far. 

Do I Need to Change My Diet after Arm Lift Surgery?

Some patients can experience nausea during the early days of recovery, so at first, it’s best to stick to bland foods you can easily keep down. This includes options like:

  • Soup

  • Sandwiches

  • Rice

  • Jell-O

You can go back to eating regular foods when you feel able. For many patients, this happens about a day and a half after the surgery. 

When Will I See Results from Arm Lift Surgery?

You’ll probably notice that your arms are slimmer immediately after surgery. However, you won’t be able to see the full results until the swelling subsides, which usually happens within 4-6 weeks of recovery. As long as your weight stays fairly consistent, you should see lifelong results.

Skin does tend to lose some of its elasticity as we age, but you and your doctor can develop a plan to combat that when the time comes. 

How Should I Prepare for Arm Lift Surgery?

You and your doctor will work together to come up with a great plan for surgery prep. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of complications for any operation, including arm lift surgery. Before your surgery, your doctor will schedule an appointment to go over a plan. Yours might include: 

  • Blood work

  • Medication adjustments

  • Pre-op medications

  • Chest X-ray

Will I Have Any Permanent Scarring?

One of the benefits of arm lift surgery is that for most patients, any scarring is generally easy to hide. For non-smokers, as long as you properly protect the area from sun damage, scars should fade almost entirely over time. Since smoking can delay and reduce healing, that can prevent scars from healing as fully.

What Is Removed During Arm Lift Surgery?

Brachioplasty removes fat and excess skin. How much depends on the patient, but the reason results can be so dramatic is that the removal can add up to a significant amount.

Get a Consultation with Stephen Lober Plastic Surgery

Curious to learn more about arm lift surgery in Athens, GA? Contact us at Stephen Lober Plastic Surgery today to schedule your free consultation. 

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